Lets start with where I left off on saturday.. I believe it was right after I informed ya'll about babysitting.
So I love babysitting these little girls, one is five and the other is ONE ...AWWWW, yeah so cute!!!! After putting the girlies to bed, I had a couple hours to chill.. and I new that I prob should have something food wise.. I was really going back and forth with what I should do, since I had decided that the meal I had when I got home from food shopping was all I was going to have for that day. I gave my self an hour to mull it over.. and then tricked myself a bit.. hehe. How did I trick myself you ask?? well.. I was like " ok, how about you just look at the foods they have, you don't have to eat anything, just go look" then I looked at all the food and saw all of the healthy organic options, and a lot of foods that I've always wanted to try. Then I was like " just have a little of some dried cranberries (dried fruit freaks me out.. its a bit of a fear food.. besides prunes and figs) and some organic wheat crackers." TA DA!.. that was the trick.. did you catch it?? :P yeah i'm slick. So, in the end, I had some dried cranberries, wheat crackers, some cereal,.. and I feel like there was something else but I don't remember.. haha. I knew that if I didn't trick myself to eat those foods last night, I would have ended the day only completing half of my meal plan, which is just not good enough!! SO, while I didn't reach it 100 %, I got very close, and i'm proud of myself :) I did struggle a bit with feeling like I was doing the wrong thing, so I spent a while talking to my friend G, and she helped me out A LOT. Thanks so much G!! <--- if you read my blog.. haha <3

Now, a brief recap of my sunday.. OY.
mmmmmmk, soooo, My plan was to get up at 9 and go to the gym to take a couple classes at 9:30.. yeah.. um, that didn't happen. haha. I woke up at 9 and was like.. um what?? I feel like I never feel asleep!! Peace out alarm clock, i'm going back to bed!! so I fell Asleep until 1:00 pm!!! i've never been able to sleep that late!.. I think my two hours of sleep the night before probably had something to do with that.. hehe Even though I woke up at one.. I was STILL sooo tired!... so I went up, had breakfast, and then rested till 4:00 when I went to the gym. Sounds like a nice day so far right?? WRONG. After I finished breakfast, I was chilling in the kitchen, browsing other blogs and what not.. and my sisters friend comes in the kitchen and offers me her pop tarts. My initial reaction was "helllll no girl, I just had my breakie".. although when actually said out loud it was more "no thanks".. :P haha. She left them on the counter and I got to thinking.. "I used to love these when I was really little.. I wish I could remember what they tasted like.. maybe I should challenge myself to have them?? I am going to the gym later so.. I might as well give it a go!".... ERM.. yeah ok so I did challenge myself and eat them, and that amazing feeling on conqureing something was nice.. but VERRRRYYYY short lived. :( UGH.. I didn't realize how many calories those little demons posses!!.. Thank you calorieking.com for sending me into an ED panic. ONCE AGAIN, my lovie G helped me sort out my feelings and try to move past that little bump in the road <3 Anywhoooo, changed into my gym clothes and was off to the gym.. and when I came home had a lovely dinner to finish out my meal plan... and spent pretty much the rest of the night talking to G. GOOD JOB A for making to decisions!! haha.
ON TO TODAYS POST!!! DUN DUN DUN DUN!!!!! ( not like the scary dun dun dun dun, the one with the trumpets... ya know?? hear it?? like when they are presenting a king or something.. yeah.. haha :P)
This morning I woke up at 10:00... ok really I should be waking up at 5:45 so I can get ready for school.. but whats one more day of fun in the grand scheme of things!!?? I do much better food wise when I don't go to school.. I end up restricting because I hate eating that early in the morning.. and I hate eating at school..and blah its just no fun.. so its nice to be able to relax and know i'm making good food choices. Alright ya'll, I need to tell you about my amazing breakfast that I encourage you all to try!!!! ARE YOU READY FOR THIS??? Nut butter crepes and dark chocolate chips, a yogurt, and a strawberry "slushy" YUM!!! heres how I made it....
Nut butter crepes---> I took a pre-packaged carton of egg beaters (1/2 a cup per container) and split it into two 1/4c. Then I made one "crepe" out of the first 1/4 egg beater, and another out of the second. Once I finished, I put a tablespoon of nut butter on top and split it between the two. Then you just roll them up like a crepe and VOILLA! so YUMMY!!! ( I was going to put the dark chocolate chips inside, but decided to eat them separate.. :P)
Strawberry slushy------> 5 strawberries cut up, a cup of ice, and some water.. blend in the magic bullet and VOILLA AGAIN! A lovely strawberry slushy.. goes great with the crepes :)
Yogurt---> dannon light and fit apple pie yogurt... num num num
This pic I took is kinda how i'm feeling today.. the snow ( my ED cloud of doom) is clearing up, and the day look bright and promising! :D

So that was today's breakfast.. i'm very proud of myself for trying something new this morning.. although the choc chips made it a little scary.. it also made it more of a treat!
I think the rest of my day is going to look a little something like this.. getting dressed, ( its 1:00 pm and i'm still in my fuzzy soccer ball PJ bottoms and TJ sweatshirt :P) walking to some shops around my house, going to the gym about 4/ 430... and then afterwards coming home and having a nice relaxing night! My parents come home today ( they have been in florida since thursday... so nice of them to leave me alone with my sister right???? haha) so my relaxing might not ACTUALLY happen.. but i'm looking forward to today, and i'm very happy to say that I really feel like I'm finally back on track with things!!! :D
Hope everyone has a wonderful monday!! Love you all!! <3... and may I just say, I am so ADD that this post took me over an hour to write because I kept getting distracted.. but I love ya'll so much that I just had to finish!! True dedication right therrrr :P
-A <3
hey cutie :]
ReplyDeleteah i am really proud of you babe even if your ed made you feel like shit for eating some of that (yummi) food ;] you did the right thing and so glad your friend G was helpful <3
i love reading your posts, your personality really shines through, you have such a cute sense of humor and u are just so lovely...i love that photo of you and i love that other photo! and ahh your brekkie sounds so nummi! and chocolate in the morning IS the best! :D
and a TJ sweatshirt whaat?.. ;P i want one hehe ;) you are too cute lovie, and keep staying strong, i love you so much and so many people do!
very proud of you girl :] you need to go back to school though hahaha--its not optional ;] <3
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you ate something yesterday! Dried cranberries are so amazeee! And they go so great with whole-wheat anything. Yum Yum Yum!!! Dried fruit is my favorite! And poptarts! Yay! That's such a big step. Even though it's not like healthy or whatever it's something your ED told you not to eat...and you did! YESSSSS! =]]]]
ReplyDeleteI agree with Becca...lol. You gotta go to school!!!
I wish you the best of everything!!
aha awee true dedication! lol and yea school sucks/: buts necessary! and those crepes sound good!