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I'm on a quest to discover who am I and who I want to be. I'm here to help keep my friends motivated on their path to recovery... a path that I'm on as well :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

LA LA LA LA LA!!! sing a song?? OK!

Quicky post.. i'm gonna post again later tonight that actually say's something haha. So I was thinking about what makes me happy, and what often puts me in a better mood.. and there really are a couple things. One that I think i'm gonna share with you today is SINGGGGGGGGG.. LA LA LA LA LA!!!!! :P Yeah, I uploaded this on my facebook a while ago.. and I figured, EH, what the hay, this is a recovery blog, and thats something that helps me get through the ruff days. Music can touch your soul and totally change your mood.. so give it a try!! when your feeling kinda down.. listen to a really happy, sing along kinda song, and when you feel like you need to cry, put on a song with words that touch your heart and bring tears to your eyes. Ok so, i've made a lot of videos (not posted for other people to see though.. haha) so this is like one in a series.. which is why the very beginning probs wont make sense. Oh gosh this is so embarrassing.. lol...this video is not very good.. and I made it when I was sick so pardon my appearance.. and its Acapella... and oy just don't judge to harshly!! haha Ok, i'm gonna just go for it! GAH!!

(I tried to upload it on here but It wasn't working.. so this is the link to it on my facebook.. and then I decided to add the other one that I made for my friend when she was sick.. so there are two singing videos.. yeah.. lol)



Until later tonight!! :D Hope everyones day is going well so far.. I have much to talk about.. :P
-A <3

1 comment:

  1. Music can really make all the difference in the world.
