Sorry for the long hiatus from blogging.. I just haven't felt like posting in a while... :x SORRY!!!!!! Nothing personal!!!! haha
A lot has actually been going on recently.. as usual, let me break out a list to organize my thoughts.. :D
BUT, before I do that, I'll start out with a few "looks" picks..
Black blazer, black tank top, black pants/ leggings things I got in London, chunky "elephant" necklace

1. I got my boot of last wednesday!!!! WOOOOO!!!!!! Finally wearing a pair of shoes again!!!.... ohhh, how i've missed that :P
2. I almost told the truth to my Dr. ( i'll explain.. haha)
3. No more ADD meds... :'( wahhh!!!
4. My birthday was on friday (october 1st) and now i'm 19!!!!!!!! AHH!! I'm almost out of my teen years!!
5. I got a car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (pictures posted underneath, of course)

6. I get my braces off next week!!!! HOLLA!!!!!!! haha, stupid pesky bottom braces that no one actually cares about but me.. soooooo glad to never have to deal with these metal demons anymore!!!! :8 <--- thats me with braces.. haha
7. I get my license next week!!!!... I know, I know, 19, with a car and no license? What can I say, I like to take my time with things :D haha (fingers crossed that I pass the road test!!!!... parallel parking.. you scare me.)
8. I saw Jersey Boys!!!!! SUCHHHH a GREAT musical----->* I recommend*
9. I can work out again!!!!!!!!!! So far so good, no over exercising (technically)... lets keep it that way!!
10. I figured out what I want to do for a career!!!!!.... I think..? I mean can you ever REALLY know?...
So, those are my 10 topics to talk about.. BUT, I'm going to have to string you all along and talk about them in my NEXT post because I have to get up early for work tomorrow, and I'm supper tired!!! I didn't want to leave you all with out another update since its been foreverrrrrr, so I thought a little teaser would do the trick until I have more time for a proper post :D hehe
Here are a bunch of "looks" pics from a couple weeks ago... loved this outfit :)
Blue "blouse like" silk shirt with black detail trimming the collar, along with a flower, a black belt with patent leather appearance on the buckle, black skirt Urban Outfitters high wasted skirt, black leggings

I'll end this post off with some quotes that I really like, and find to be pretty inspirational/ motivational...
" Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." <-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"If we all did the things we are capable of, we would astound ourselves. " <--Thomas Edison
"I am free to choose. Everything I am and everything I become is under my own control." <-- I don't remember the author of this one.. haha whoops :x
Hope everyone has been doing well!!!! Again, sorry for my lack of posting.. part of it has been because I was so busy, and part of it has been.. truthfully, i've been struggling a bit and was having a hard time admitting it.. and a bit ashamed to talk about it because I feel like I should be doing better by now. I thought that maybe if I didn't blog for a while, and waited until I was doing better, I wouldn't even have to mention the fact that i've slipped.. but i've waited weeks and I'm still not in the best place. Regardless, I'm trying to move forward and get back on track... and I HAVE been doing better the past few days!! Just thought i'd let you all know what was going on.. I'll be posting again later this week, or early next week to elaborate on the list that I made :D haha.
Stay strong everyone, and don't give up the fight!!!! Its the one fight I GUARANTEE is truly worth fighting for!!!! After all, its your life... <3
- A <3
Happy late birthday! And congrats on the car, braces off, and boot off! So much freedom you have acquired!
ReplyDeleteYou know that nobody here would judge you if you are struggling :) Don't ever feel like you can't tell us what you are going through, because we have all been there as well.
I am so sorry you are struggling, but I am so glad you shared with us. I want you to know that I believe in you 110% and y7ou can totally do this!
Stay strong, praying for you,
Happy Belated Bday!! i love all the quotes u posted, esepcially the t.edison one. I understand that it is hard to post when feeling blue, but like scott said, nooone will judge-and if they do, who are they to judg?! and people will help you, im here to help if u need it. Love the new car and parallel parking scared the crap outta me and im 22! :)
Happy belated birthday! Those qquotes are so awesome, definately adding them to my collection :)
ReplyDeleteStruggling is part of recovery, so dont be ashamed at all, it all about the ups and downs.. because if it was all perfect and happy.. well then I dont think we would have an ed to begin with :P and no one would ever have any problems or issues. So just keep fighting hard, and I have so much faith in you that everything will be great :)
<3 Kimi
happy belated birthday!! youre a year older, wiser and more experienced-- put such gifts towards your recovery process :)
ReplyDeleteHappy belated birthday:) Love those quotes!
ReplyDeleteI really admire your strength and positivity towards recovery, and may I add that you look super gorgeous throughout it:)
love reading your blog girl!!